Char: Your story was really understandable, good flow and coherence of toughts, creative enough to think outside the picture and very great use of adjectives. It made the whole story believable.
Nina: I like Alicia's story. Very sweet and has a good flow :) I like how she involve the fashion in the story 8D
To Alicia,
Congratulations! You have won our very first blog contest and so you'll be awarded as promised. Please send us your selected photo to be cartoonized/edited at and select which style you like on the three sample photos in this link. Your blog advertisement will be published soon. Comment here if you have read this post already. Thank you! :)
Alicia's Entry:
1. I were to create a story/script about the photo I chosen for the contest.
A story to remember: Under the swingOne dark and freezing night, Char came running out her house with tears rolling down her chubby cheeks. She was scolded by her parents because they disallow her to move on to pursue her dreams as a fashion stylist.
She settled herself under a rather old looking swing, shivering. Not long later, she felt a warm woolly blanket place lightly across her broad shoulders. She turned around to notice, a girl with black wavy looking hair and a beautiful pair of eyes. The beautiful girl introduced herself as "Nina".
They chatted throughout the night. To realized actually, they have got the same dreams! From that day onwards, they become really close friends. They also manage to built up a company on their own accord.
This swing, seems to be magical.. in the sense that it brought two strangers with different characters and similar dreams together. Till now, the swing, where they first met, is the place, they can never forget.
2. Answer the following questions:- Describe Char, Nina and Chariza's Fashion style:
One word to describe each;
Char: Sweet.
Nina: Funky.
Chariza: Extraordinary.
Next, answer: How important are friends to you, in your life.For me, friends are not as important as my family and loved ones. But then, they are indeed significant in my life. They are there for me when I needed them. Most importantly, they are a must have in our growing life because making friends is part of our growing life. Being- socialable in other words. I couldn't imagine how it would be like if I didn't had any friends. Life could be much more miserable then now. (:
P.S. For others who joined, don't be sad though, we'll host other contests in the future. Just stay tuned to CharNina blog and it might be your time to shine next time! Thank you to all who joined the contest! 'Til next time!
From the owners..

Thanks! I had already send you a email. :D
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Char and Nina