Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Raiza's Fairy tale Debut

Jennifer Raiza Macaraeg wears her beautiful fairy dress designed by Jonessa Mendoza

Raiza is our classmate and a close friend at Diliman Preparatory School. She calls Char her "Big Brother" and she calls me "Dady". We made a complex family tree back then, and our genders were assumed vice versa just for fun, so don't be confuse about it haha.  She celebrated her 18th birthday at Tivoli Royal with a fairy tale debut theme. Since it is a fairy theme debut, we have to wear fairy like outfits!

(char will post our outfits soon!)

friends from high-school wearing bright colored fairy dresses with fairy wings!
Raiza's grand entrance, her gown was also designed by Jonessa

followed by the 18 dance

watching the ceremony 

After the ceremony, we had a little photo shoot with Debbie, Bea and Ara in the comfort room

Ara, Bea, and Debbie (from left)

Nina and Char (from left)

And more photos with our friends!

Eds, Char, Nina and Marmar (from left)

Nina with Ara
Char with Ara
Amor Boys

Maam Capendit, Char, Ara and Maam Lopez (from left)

Nina with Marmar
Char with Marmar with fairy dust!

Nina, Juliet and Char (from left)

Marmar, Nina, Char, Eds, Din-Din and Ara (from left)

signing at Raiza's dedication book

After taking a lot of pictures, it's time for the 18 fire flies. They will make a wish for the birthday celebrant then light a candle to float on the swimming pool

Fairy Dust! 
The Float

after that the lights went off and BOOM! fireworks! 

Raiza is watching the fireworks 
then blowing of candles, we wish you a Happy Birthday Raiza! 

*Some photos are taken from Raiza's official photos


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Char and Nina

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